Name: Kouji
Height: Tall enough to ride a roller coaster
Weight: Heavy enough to break a lesser man
Sexual Preference: Straight (but not by choice)
Status: Intensely single
Occupation: Aspiring writer, extremely involuntary high school student
Likes: Writing, anime, James Iha, cool music, kids that sing along with stuff at the top of their lungs, Sylvia Plath's poetry, dadaism, Frida Kahlo, good movies, anything by Tim Burton, the Florida Keys, scaring the living daylights out of someone, kicking Kire's ass at Street Fighter, random and pointless violence
Dislikes: Standardized testing, "diva" status, the selection of clothes for overweight people, crappy music, anything by Jerry Bruckheimer, the willfully ignorant, velvet crying clowns, baka boys, losing to Kire at Street Fighter, anything that gets in her way
Ambitions: Become a great writer/screenwriter, travel to Japan and see Tokyo Square, meet James Iha and not vomit on him out of nervousness
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: She actually rather enjoys foofy pink skirts

Name: Tama
Height: Small enough to sleep comfortably in a car's backseat
Weight: Enough so the wind doesn't blow her away
Sexual Preference: Incredibly straight
Status: Happily single
Occupation: Involuntary high school student, Kouji's mental and social stability caretaker
Likes: Anime, singing, Mercedes Lackey books, musicals, the word "tintinnabulation", Jones Soda, writing poetry, people who sing along with their favorite song regardless if they know the words, Celtic stuff, summer nights, when Kouji admits her stories and poetry doesn't suck
Dislikes: Pretty much nothing except for tomatoes
Ambitions: Become a famous opera singer, hit the end notes of "Music of the Night", get kidnapped by someone that lives underneath an opera house, learn to draw better
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Keeps a picture of Keanu Reeves under her pillow

Alias: Gami
Height: Fits safely in a large Tupperware bin
Weight: Could probably be blown away by a strong gust
Sexual Preference: Androgynous
Status: Saving herself for either Duo Maxwell or Hilde Schreibaker
Occupation: Involuntary high school student and kickass poetry
Likes: Pretty boys, pretty girls, smacking someone and not getting in trouble, martial arts movies, her Playstation 2, yaoi doujinshi, accepting people, eyeliner, hidden weaponry, sharp things, loud rocker girls
Dislikes: People in general, the Westboro Baptist Church, when she gets in trouble for kicking someone that clearly deserved it, uptight straight girls, rampant homophobia, the non-yaoi pairings in Gundam Wing, wussy diva-ettes
Ambitions: Get the hell out of Grandview and settle down in New York with a nice androgyne
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Had a crush on Blossom

Alias: Hoshi
Height: Tall enough to touch the ceiling of a basement (if she stretches)
Weight: Big enough to lay you flat
Sexual Preference: Not picky
Status: Single, but cheerily appreciative of certain aesthetics
Occupation: involuntary high school student, mad scientist to be
Likes: Fantasy stories, weird sci-fi, vampires, walking in the rain, Clementine oranges, coffee shops, shirtless bishies, female blues singers, her green coat and fedora, the word "borg", making plans that will potentially land Kouji and Kire in a compromising position
Dislikes: Intolerant assholes, bigots, and when Kouji refuses to be put in a compromising situation with Kire
Ambitions: Become a geneticist, weed out the "asshole gene", and figure out how to clone pretty boys and share them freely with the world
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Has extreme difficulty telling whether it's a bishonen or a bishoujo if she can't see cleavage

Alias: Kire
Height: Tall enough to dwarf any Gundam boy
Weight: Just enough to keep him grounded
Sexual Preference: Insistently straight
Status: Saving himself for the Playstation 2
Occupation: Involuntary high school student, gamer boy and bassist for a band that he and Roku are yet to name, despite their intense dedication to it
Likes: Good anime, turtlenecks, Sam Raini, Tribes, Penny Arcade, Rush, Savage Garden, building stuff out of other stuff, fuzzy dogs that do tricks, monkeys wearing clothes, his Playstation, figuring out Nintendo music for his base
Dislikes: People who assume he's gay because he likes Savage Garden and liked Sailor Moon, Destiny's Child, when his fellow bandmates refuse to play Nintendo music, when Kouji tries to get him to wear "Early 80's Glam-Rock" eyeliner
Ambitions: Become a scuzzy bassist for an Australian band with lots of tattoos and long, unwashed hair, make Kouji and Hoshi stop insisting that he and Roku are madly in love
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Has a Styx album under his bed

Alias: Roku
Height: About as tall as Kire
Weight: Enough to knock Kire over
Sexual Preference: insistently, nervously straight
Status: Single (but not for lack of trying)
Occupation: Involuntary high school student, keyboardist for the band with no
name, Tweedledum to Kire's Tweedledee
Likes: Bloody, violent anime, playing the keyboard, making disgusting jokes, proving he has a "sensitive side", tasteful nudity, Dexter's Laboratory, when Kouji dosen't hit him
Dislikes: Loud, violent girls (go figure)
Ambitions: Become either a psychiatrist or a stand-up-comedian, make Kouji and Hoshi stop insisting that he and Kire are madly in love
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: An immense fear of balloon animals

Alias: Gen-chan (picture coming soon)
Height: She's big in Japan
Weight: Professional swimmer-esque
Sexual Preference: Animated *Give me bishies. NOW.*
Status: Long distance relationship with an HTML monkey
Occupation: Disgruntled college student, web-goddess, and Bishonen tracker
Likes: Pretty boys, cute cats, stargazing, glomping people, Jones Soda, Flava Flav's fashion sense, her yukata, maintaining badass webpages, long breaks from college, Pocky, having a rich boyfriend that sends her Kenshin stuff *And Duo Stuff!*
Dislikes: Stupid people, boys in general, the distance between her hometown and North Carolina
Ambitions: Become a netangel and gain acclaim for her mad HTML skillz, beat Kouji at Street Fighter Alpha 3 *I'd just like to say, I totally own Kouji in Tekken*
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Thinks Sean Connery is hot no matter how old he gets

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