Name: Kouji
Height: Tall enough to ride a roller coaster
Weight: Heavy enough to break a lesser man
Sexual Preference: Straight (but not by choice)
Status: Intensely single
Occupation: Aspiring writer, extremely involuntary high school student
Likes: Writing, anime, James Iha, cool music, kids that sing along
with stuff at the top of their lungs, Sylvia Plath's poetry, dadaism, Frida
Kahlo, good movies, anything by Tim Burton, the Florida Keys, scaring the
living daylights out of someone, kicking Kire's ass at Street Fighter, random
and pointless violence
Dislikes: Standardized testing, "diva" status, the selection
of clothes for overweight people, crappy music, anything by Jerry Bruckheimer,
the willfully ignorant, velvet crying clowns, baka boys, losing to Kire at
Street Fighter, anything that gets in her way
Ambitions: Become a great writer/screenwriter, travel to Japan and
see Tokyo Square, meet James Iha and not vomit on him out of nervousness
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: She actually rather enjoys foofy pink
Name: Tama
Height: Small enough to sleep comfortably in a car's backseat
Weight: Enough so the wind doesn't blow her away
Sexual Preference: Incredibly straight
Status: Happily single
Occupation: Involuntary high school student, Kouji's mental and social
stability caretaker
Likes: Anime, singing, Mercedes Lackey books, musicals, the word
"tintinnabulation", Jones Soda, writing poetry, people who sing
along with their favorite song regardless if they know the words, Celtic
stuff, summer nights, when Kouji admits her stories and poetry doesn't suck
Dislikes: Pretty much nothing except for tomatoes
Ambitions: Become a famous opera singer, hit the end notes of "Music
of the Night", get kidnapped by someone that lives underneath an opera
house, learn to draw better
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Keeps a picture of Keanu Reeves under
her pillow
Alias: Gen-chan (picture coming soon)
Height: She's big in Japan
Weight: Professional swimmer-esque
Sexual Preference: Animated *Give me bishies.
Status: Long distance relationship with an HTML monkey
Occupation: Disgruntled college student, web-goddess, and Bishonen
Likes: Pretty boys, cute cats, stargazing, glomping people, Jones
Soda, Flava Flav's fashion sense, her yukata, maintaining badass webpages,
long breaks from college, Pocky, having a rich boyfriend that sends her
Kenshin stuff *And Duo Stuff!*
Dislikes: Stupid people, boys in general, the distance between her
hometown and North Carolina
Ambitions: Become a netangel and gain acclaim for her mad HTML skillz,
beat Kouji at Street Fighter Alpha 3 *I'd just like
to say, I totally own Kouji in Tekken*
Most Bitterly Guarded Secret: Thinks Sean Connery is hot no matter
how old he gets
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